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Casey's Story

“I just didn't feel confident sending my resume out. I knew I wasn't going to get any callbacks and I didn't know how to make it better.”

How we helped

Casey was admittedly not great at self-promotion. Her experience with TopResume changed all that: “With the new resume, I feel more confident.”

Resume Icon

Career evolution

Casey bought the Career Evolution package, which includes a resume, cover letter, and two resume revisions.

Sketch of a hand

Top skills

Casey’s resume writer Gemma helped her determine and highlight the job skills that would be most valuable in Casey’s target field.

Winning keywords

Gemma then added proper keywords to make sure Casey’s resume would pass the recruiting software and get in front of hiring managers.

About Casey

Experience: 11+ years
Previous Job: Budget Management for the Arts
Goal: Wanted to change industries, needed a resume that told a better story.

Casey had been working in the nonprofit world, and wanted to move into the financial services industry. She was eager to use her budget management experience, but was unsure how to play up her skills in a way that would attract employers and show how those skills would translate to another industry.

“My writer was able to pull out a better story. When I saw the skills that she highlighted for me, I was able to think, ‘Oh right, I am good at that.’” — Casey

Choose the package that works for you



Professional Growth

An expertly written and keyword-optimized resume that sets you apart.

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  • Professionally written - By experts that know your industry.

  • Formatted for success - Formatting that will get an employer's attention.

  • Keyword optimized - Your resume will be optimized to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems.



Career Evolution

Everything you need to apply to jobs, including a resume and cover letter.

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  • Professionally written - By experts that know your industry.

  • Formatted for success - Formatting that will get an employer's attention.

  • Keyword optimized - Your resume will be optimized to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems.

  • Cover letter - Employers are 40% more likely to read a resume with a cover letter.

  • 60-day interview guarantee.



Executive Priority

Resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile, created by an executive writer.

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  • Executive writer - Top 10% of our network.

  • Formatted for success - Formatting that will get an employer's attention.

  • Keyword optimized - Your resume will be optimized to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems.

  • Cover letter - Employers are 40% more likely to read a resume with a cover letter.

  • 60-day interview guarantee.

  • LinkedIn Makeover - 97% of employers use LinkedIn; we'll rewrite your profile.

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