Everything you need to know about how to display computer skills on your resume (and beyond) to land a new job.

Computer skills, a type of technical skill, are skills that involve using a computer or related technology. Computer literacy is a term used to describe how effectively you can use a computer (or tablet or mobile device) to research, share, evaluate, and manipulate information. Computer skills are the tools, techniques, and talents that help you accomplish those tasks.

PCMag's encyclopedia further describes computer literacy as the “hands-on ability to work the operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) and common applications such as spreadsheets, word processors, database programs, personal information managers (PIMs), email programs and Web browsers.”

Computer skills can range from forwarding an email to writing complex software code. Most people fall somewhere in the middle. 

Why are basic computer skills important? Because these skills are required to communicate effectively, organize and distribute information, and stay competitive in the workplace. With global trends like remote work and advancements in technology, professionals who can use computers well are more likely to succeed.

Nearly every job requires some basic understanding of how to use a computer. Computers are used to track hours, schedule appointments, order supplies, and stay connected with colleagues and customers. Advanced computer skills are more specialized; they require training, often through a boot camp, seminar, class, or hands-on experience. Not everyone needs advanced computer knowledge, but having a solid understanding of what a computer can do will help in nearly every industry, job function, and company.

Luckily, there are a lot of resources to help you learn relevant computer skills. You can check out online course platforms or free online certifications

Here is what this article includes:

  • 99 computer skills you can put on your resume

  • How do people use computer skills at work?

  • How to list computer skills on your resume

  • Where to include computer skills on resume

  • How to display computer skill proficiency on a resume

  • How to include computer knowledge in cover a letter

  • How to include computer skills on LinkedIn

  • How to display your computer proficiency in interviews

  • Frequently asked questions about computer skills

99 computer skills you can put on your resume

Searching for examples of computer skills to include on your resume? Look no further. Here are 99 examples.99 Computer Skills

How do people use computer skills at work?

1. To communicate

Computers are most commonly used to communicate. Related computer skills include messaging and collaboration tools like Slack, Teams, Google Suite, Confluence, and Zoom. Depending on your job function, computer-based communication skills may also include project management software like Asana, Monday, Trello, ClickUp, or Kanbanize. Presentation tools, such as Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Keynote, are computer skills. 

Word processing skills (think: Microsoft Word, typing, Google Docs) are generally assumed and do not usually need to be listed on your resume. Basic email competencies are also assumed, but experience or expertise with email marketing software like MailChimp or Mailgun can be included.

2. To organize information

This will encompass spreadsheets and databases. If you work with customers, this also includes the customer relationship management systems you can use (e.g. Salesforce or HubSpot). If you work with websites, this includes content management systems. For people who look at data and metrics, this category will include tools like Airtable, Google Data Studio, and Tableau.

In addition to software and hardware, knowing how to filter, display, and share information can also be a valuable skill. Consider your skill level with reports, pivot tables, macros, data analytics, and tracking. 

Another aspect of data management is how the data is used. Your spreadsheets may aid you in carrying out functions like risk assessments, revenue projections, budget tracking, inventory tracking, and asset allocation.

3. To research online

Finding information is more than typing some words into a search engine! To be skilled in online research, you must be able to identify trustworthy sources of information, evaluate results to identify which links are likely to aid your research, adapt your search query to return better results, and fact-check claims before accepting them. Knowing about Google search operators, Boolean logic, and curating relevant RSS feeds may help you research.

If your work involves a lot of research, you may have access to databases to filter through as well. 

4. To build websites, apps, or systems

Programming and coding skills are essential for some jobs but are useful for many others. Understanding how websites are built can benefit bloggers, graphic designers, and advertisers. Knowing what goes into making an application is advantageous for product managers, executive teams, and sales reps.

This is where your programming languages like JavaScript, C#, C++, PHP, SQL, and Python are categorized. Related software such as Atom, Azure, or Dreamweaver can further show hiring managers what types of projects you can take on. 

There is a related no-code and low-code trend that is attractive to certain employers. If learning how to code doesn't appeal to you, look into no-code building tools like Bubble or Notion and automation tools like Zapier.

How to list computer skills on your resume

It may seem obvious, but yes, you should include computer skills in your resume's skills section. Skills sections are ideal for featuring a list of your hard skills. When executed well, a skills section should showcase your top, most relevant skills. However, you do still have some options for listing computer skills based on your needs.

The bulleted list

The most common option is a simple bullet point list of skills under a heading called something like “skills section” or “core competencies.” To optimize your space, incorporate two or three columns to fit nine to 12 skills. Group your computer skills as either a row (horizontal) or a column (vertical).

The bar list

If you want to optimize for maximum keywords while using minimum space, you can make a list that is separated by a bar (“|”) and takes up three or four lines of your resume. This can come across as a block of text to a human reader, though, so proceed with caution.

The technical skills section

When you're in a more technical environment, your technical skills deserve their own section on your resume. This will give you enough room to organize your programming language skills or software expertise without crowding out your soft skills.

Where to include computer skills on resume

Career profile

Your career profile is an excellent place to showcase your standout skills. Ideally, mention only skills you excel in or skills that have helped you accomplish great results during your career. Keep it short.

Resume headline

A resume headline is another high-value section to place a couple of skills. If your computer skills are highly relevant to your career goals, include the most impressive ones following your contact information or job target.

Work experience

Use your computer skills to describe how you've used them at work! Bonus points if you can tie in a result.


“Leveraged ActiveCampaign to grow email newsletter subscriber list from less than 300 people to more than 5,500; increased the unique open rate by 160%.”


This will usually be limited to the name of your degree. However, recent graduates can list courses and coursework in their education sections to make up for a lack of professional experience.


Certifications are under-utilized on resumes! If you have one or two certificates, you can include them in your education section after your degrees. However, if you have three or more, I suggest you create a section to show that you're a dedicated learner.

Include the certificate's title, issuing entity, and year earned. Certification courses will generally have self-explanatory titles like “Introduction to Agile Project Management” or “Certificate of Advanced Accounting Topics,” making this an excellent option to explain your proficiency level in a particular computer skill or program.

How to display computer skill proficiency on a resume

There are different levels of computer skills a person may possess, so it's important to ensure you're not overstating or underestimating your abilities. If you simply list a skill or tool in a skills section, you're not offering any context. 

If you're not confident in your ability, try to communicate your skill level in your work history instead of your skills section. Describe when, how, and for what purpose you used a tool for work. This allows you to honestly explain the exposure you had to a tool or ability.

As a professional resume writer, I would not recommend using a resume template that displays your competency as a star rating for US-based employers. I have three reasons for this. 

First, if the skill is not something you would rate yourself 4 or 5 stars on, you likely shouldn't have it on your resume. Secondly, those ratings take up valuable real estate on your resume that would be better served by describing your work experience. Finally, those cute icons can wreak havoc in applicant tracking systems (ATS) when they try to parse your data. 

Instead, use a word or phrase to describe your computer proficiency. Here are 10 competency-based phrases you can use:

  1. Expert

  2. Basic

  3. Proficient

  4. Intermediate

  5. Working knowledge of

  6. Familiarity with

  7. Novice

  8. Exposure to

  9. Limited experience in

  10. Beginner

How to include computer knowledge in cover a letter

Your cover letter can call out your skills, especially when you can connect them to a positive result. Review your resume to see if you describe a situation in which your computer skills led to an achievement. Work that same experience into your cover letter.

How to include computer skills on LinkedIn

LinkedIn's skills section allows you to add up to 50 skills in the skills section. However, that is not the only place you can display your skills.

First off, having a good LinkedIn profile will display that you are computer literate. Ensure your LinkedIn is filled out, polished, and active. You can also make a quick, positive impression by having a customized LinkedIn URL and replacing the default background photo with something more relevant to you.

Beyond that, you can include your top computer skills as appropriate in your headline, your introduction, your education experience, and your certifications. 

Since LinkedIn is a social platform, you can offer social proof. There are two ways to do this: skills endorsements and featured recommendations. 

Expert tip: here's a template you can use to ask someone for an endorsement on LinkedIn!

How to display your computer proficiency in interviews

Virtual interviews make showing your tech skills both easier and harder. Mitigate the risk of coming across poorly by preparing for your video interview

Test your computer and all equipment before your interview. Open the application or website to ensure you don't need to complete any updates before your scheduled meeting. Test your mic, your camera, and your internet connection. Locate the URL for your meeting. Charge your laptop. Be prepared to share your screen, just in case.

Frequently asked questions about computer skills

What should I put for computer skills on my resume?

Start with the computer skills you already have. Then, consider skills mentioned in job descriptions for your field or target job title. If you have those skills, add them to your tailored resume. If you don't have them, explore ways to acquire those skills.

Should I put Microsoft Office on my resume?

My resume clients often ask if we should include Microsoft Office as a technical skill on their resumes. The answer is: it depends. Is Microsoft Office a technical skill? Yes. Is it going to win you the interview? Probably not.

Today's hiring managers often assume Microsoft Office skills like word processing, spreadsheets, or slides. However, the specific tools might be important to note if an employer is looking for someone familiar with Microsoft products in particular. In short, don't put Microsoft Office on your resume just to include it; only use that space if it is a compelling part of your career narrative.

Here are what you should consider before including Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint on your resume.

  • Is the tool specifically required on the job description of the job you're applying for?

  • Do you have other technical skills you can display instead? 

  • Can we incorporate the skill with a specific project or outcome in a bullet point instead?

  • Do you have enough room in your skills section and/or on your resume page to include the tool?

What's another word for “computer skills”?

Computer skills fall under the category of “technical skills” or “hard skills.” There is a significant overlap between “software” and “hardware” skills. 

How do I answer questions about computer skills?

Start by answering questions honestly. Answer clearly and concisely. Don't misrepresent your experience, as that won't benefit you or the interviewer in the long run.

If you do possess a skill, offer a detail or two about your experience with it. When relevant, include a short story about how you have used a skill or tool to accomplish a task. 

If you aren't familiar with a specific tool the interviewer asks about, be upfront. If you've heard of it but not used it, see if you can mention your experience with something similar instead. If you get the sense that your lack of expertise is a deal breaker, you can ask directly if that is a requirement for a candidate to be successful in this role. 

What are examples of computer skills interview questions?

  • “What is your experience with Quickbooks?”

  • “How do you communicate with your distributed, asynchronous team?”

  • “Are you comfortable with using Outlook?”

  • “What's the difference between a headless CMS and a traditional CMS?”

  • “Describe a time when you used a project management tool to improve a process.”

  • “Explain what RAM is to a 5-year-old.”* * (From The Top 22 of Apple Interview Questions (With Sample Answers))


Now you've seen some common computer skills, how they can be used in the workplace, and how to include your own technical knowledge on your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. You can describe your proficiency in writing and in interviews. You know what type of interview questions to expect.

If you need help updating your resume with all your computer skills, hire a TopResume professional resume writer.

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