When writing a resume, it is imperative to use action words to properly illustrate and demonstrate the talents you bring to the table. In traditional resumes, word selection was far less stressed, however, in the today's modern market, the standards have changed with competition being fiercer than ever on job boards such as Monster, CareerBuilder, and TheLadders. With this being said, an easy way to dress up and decorate your resume without a massive content overhaul or template renovation is the inclusion of resume action words.  

For those seeking inspiration, or hoping to learn some catchy new terms to input into their resumes, here are some hot, new, action words for any novice writer to employ in to their resume or CV:

  1. Championed – A better selection compared to words such as led or oversaw. Championed demonstrates and illustrates the ability to flourish and lead in management roles and do so with a strong ability and talent to execute. This action word is an excellent choice for Executive Resumes or job seekers with extensive Project Management, Administrative or Leadership experience.
  2. Augment/Augmented – A proficient way of saying “improved”, augmented is an eloquent and articulate means of showing the ability to increase and enhance a program or process. With respect to this, this term is best fit with Quality Assurance, Compliance, Continuous Improvement or Program Management scenarios, but has a diverse application ability as well.
  3. Catalyze – Often associated with the term “drive”, catalyze or optimize is an excellent alternative to show an ability to deliver radical changes in enumeration. Typically this word is associated with Sales and Marketing or Budgeting and Forecasting related industries, but it can fit into virtually any facet that allows for a resume to show a talent to invoke transformation.
  4. Spearhead – “Execute” is a premium synonym for this word, but spearhead delegates action and initiative. Verbiage such as these two are great for Business Development, Product Life Cycle or Information Technology professionals with comprehensive experience creating and innovating solutions in a variety of facets.
  5. Integrate – Integrate is a better term for one who identifies and/or crafts a product, program, procedure or deliverable in to an existing and established framework or protocol. As an alternative to “responsible for implementing” or “managed the installation of”, integrate is simple, concise and precise. The modern resume industry stresses the importance of concise documents and words that can illustrate an action in a simpler form, are always paramount.

Implementing the newest power words are a proven way to enhance your resume visibility and impress recruiters. Incorporating trendy jargon is not exclusively for the purpose of cosmetics, however it also showcases advanced written communication skills vital to the success at nearly every role or title.

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